What are Skin Tags?
A skin tag is a small piece of skin that is in the shape of hanging little seed or pouch. Skin tags are benign and are connected to the skin via a thin cord. They look like tabs of hanging skin and often manifest where friction occurs. So, wherever there is skin-on-skin friction or where clothing rubs against the skin, there is a possibility of a skin tag developing. Common areas include underarms, groin, chest, and neck. They don’t appear at birth but tend to proliferate with age. About one quarter of the adult population get them and tend to inherit a genetic predisposition to developing more. They are referred to as acrochordons in medical terms. Other common names for them are soft warts, soft fibromas, fibroepithelial polyps (FEP), fibroma pendulans, and pedunculated fibromas. Procedural dermatologist and board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Thornwell Parker leads our skilled team of medical professionals at Skin Cancer Consultants in Dallas, TX, where we are equipped to diagnose and treat this skin condition.
Skin tags are flesh colored or might appear brown in light-skinned people. They can either be smooth or wrinkled and measure from one millimeter up to the size of a pumpkin seed. The larger skin tags have a clearly identifiable connective tissue, called a stalk, which attaches to the skin and underlying skin. However, some of the smaller tags are so close to the skin that they appear more like a bump. Pain is a symptom that can result when tags get twisted due to stress on the stalk, which is the blood supply. This can turn the skin tag red or black. They can also bleed or hurt when caught on clothing or a foreign object. Otherwise, skin tags are not inherently painful or associated with other serious skin issues or symptoms.
Causes and Risks
The exact causes of skin tags remain inconclusive. But since they usually appear in skin folds, it’s a good chance that simple friction plays a role. They are actually made of up blood vessels and collagen, contrary to the popular belief that they are just empty tabs of dead skin. Diabetes appears to be linked to skin tags since people with insulin resistance don’t absorb glucose as well into the bloodstream. Another study revealed a direct link between insulin resistance and skin tags. They are also a common part of pregnancies, due to hormones and weight gain. They are not contagious.
What to Expect
Skin tags don’t normally require treatment unless they are causing pain. However, those who are susceptible to or currently have diabetes, or a skin condition called acanthosis nigricans, should have skin tags regularly assessed at Skin Cancer Consultants to maintain optimum health. Furthermore, it’s wise to be aware that the above-mentioned physical issues increase the likelihood that you will suffer from skin tags. Skin tags can often be diagnosed upon visual inspection. After removal, they will be sent to pathology for further testing. Though the results are rarely alarming, other more serious skin conditions can occasionally be confused for skin tags.

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Arrange Your Examination
While skin tags can possibly rub off, most stubbornly hang on. After a while, this could become uncomfortable and you may choose to have them removed. There are a number of safe surgical and nonsurgical options for skin tag removal. At a consultation with our skilled skin care team, your skin tags will be assessed and your removal options explained in great detail. It is worth mentioning that though individuals may try to remove skin tags utilizing home remedies, this process can often lead to infection and is not recommended. If you are interested in discussing your options for the removal of skin tags, call us today to set up your consultation.