Mohs and Plastic Surgery for Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Situ on the Upper Nose

Procedure Details


What is a "complex repair"?

There are many way to stitch a wound closed.  Most wounds are stitched as a straight line, AKA linear repair.  However, there are different ways or techniques to pull the skin edges together.  We most often classify linear repairs into one of 3 categories: 

1. "Simple Repair" - A single layer of stitches are used to pull the layers of skin together.

2. "Intermediate Repair" - At least two layers of closure are performed to pull the skin together.  A small amount of "undermining" of the skin edges may also be performed.

3. "Complex Repair" - At least two layers of closure are performed to pull the skin together.  More significant  "undermining" of the skin edges is performed.

What is "undermining"?  Skin is attached to the underlying layers by small fibers.  Undermining releases these fibers and allows the skin to slide together more easily.  Typically a small surgical blade or surgical scissors are used to release these fibers


Skin Cancer Consultants

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